Lawn Care

Be Aware of What “Lawn Care” Companies are Putting on Your Lawn!

Lawn Care companies say they are “organic-based” even if only 50% of the fertilizer they use is organic. Ask your Lawn Care
company what chemicals they use, how long they last, and how long you should stay off a treated lawn? Do they use the least toxic
method of control?

The following are some basic steps that are environmentally friendly while at the same time promote a lush and healthy lawn for
you to enjoy.

Feed the Soil – One of the best things you can do for your soil is to rake an inch or so of compost into your lawn each spring and
fall. This soil building process is essential to growing healthy turf.

Feed the Grass – Cutting your lawn with a mulching lawn mower will leave beneficial grass clippings that provide nitrogen and
reduce the amount of fertilizer needed.

Re-seed Annually – A thick turf will control weeds. Seed in late summer or early fall with a mixture of indigenous grasses.

Water Less, But Longer – Once a week watering in the very early morning for several hours is the best method. Consider the
natural rainfall and that sandy soil needs more water than clay based soil.

Mow High – Cut grass at approximately 3 ½ inches, allowing it to shade its roots, conserve moisture and keep out weeds.

Control Weeds – If you don’t want dandelions, dig them out. Also an organic corn-gluten product that prevents weed seeds from
germinating can be used on established lawns.

Control Pests without Chemicals – Common pests such as grubs and chinch bugs can be controlled with beneficial nematodes.
Beneficial organisms in healthy soil will out compete unwanted pests.

Information Resource:
Grassroots Environmental Education