Election to Membership
Patti McGrath, Chair of Admissions


Only Active and Affiliate members may propose or second candidates for
membership. No member may sponsor more than one candidate in any year. All
members (Active, Affiliate, and Non-Resident) may endorse candidates. Members of
the Board and members of the Admissions and Membership Committee are not
eligible to propose, second or endorse. Members may not propose or second a near
relative but may endorse the candidacy.
There will be one Provisional class accepted in the fall of each year in order to assure
all Provisionals have the same opportunities to meet the membership, the same
amount of work experience, and the same length of time as a Provisional member. If
space permits, up to three Provisionals will be eligible to be accepted per year.


  1. Proposer is to invite a potential candidate to GCEH activities to familiarize the
    candidate with club projects and determine if the time commitment to our club
    is of interest.

  2. Potential candidates should attend the GCEH Garden Party, a club program or
    activity, and visit the community gardens before an Intent to Propose form is
    requested by the Proposer. (Form may be obtained from the Admissions Chair
    along with “Guidelines for Proposers and Provisional Members.”).

  3. Proposer submits a completed Intent to Propose form to the Admissions Chair.
  4. Completed form is returned to the Chairman before August 1st and will be
    distributed to the members of the Admissions Committee for comment.

  5. If favorably reviewed by Admissions, the completed form is distributed to the
    Board for comment.

  6. If favorably reviewed by the Board, the Proposer will be asked to submit her
    completed letters to the Admissions Chair before our Annual Meeting held at the
    end of August. Letters should address the candidate’s willingness to
    enthusiastically participate in the club’s activities as well as her compatibility
    with the members. The letters should also explain the member’s length and
    scope of friendship with the candidate.

  7. The Chairman will advise the Proposer if, or when, to proceed to have the
    candidate formally meet the members of the Admissions Committee.

  8. The Admissions Committee will submit the candidate’s name to the Board for
    election to Provisional membership.

  9. The Board votes on the candidate. The Proposer will be advised of the Board’s
    decision. An elected candidate will receive a letter of acceptance and welcome
    from the President.

After acceptance as a Provisional member, Proposer should accompany Provisional
member to the GCEH Garden Mart, community gardens, activities and meetings or
workshops as a way for the membership to meet the candidate and for the candidate to
experience the workings of the Club.